Opera and Music Blogs
Parterre Box, La Cieca
The Rest is Noise, Alex Ross
Wellsung, Alex & Jonathan
An Unamplified Voice, JSU
Night after Night, Steve Smith
Oberon's Grove
Wagner Operas, Vincent Vargas
PostClassic, Kyle Gann
Sandow, Greg Sandow
Operavision, Aprile Millo (yes, the Aprile Millo)
My Old, Old Friends from the Golden Age of Opera Blogging
Vilaine Fille, Marion Lignana Rosenberg
Adventures in the Endless Pursuit of Entertainment, SarahB
Out of Town Opera and Music Blogs (more or less)
Ionarts, Charles T. Downey, Jens F. Laurson, et al. (Washington, D.C.)
Trrill, Nick Scholl (Seattle)
The Standing Room, Monsieur C- (San Francisco)
Prima La Musica, Sarah Noble (Sydney, Australia)
mad musings of me, Gert (London, England)
Sounds & Fury, A.C. Douglas
ofthekosmos, Khaleem (Cambridge, MA)
Opera Chic (La Scala)
Soho the Dog, Matthew Guerrieri (Boston)
Yankeediva, Joyce DiDonato
Opera Chanteuse, J.R. Donasco (Chicago)
Civic Center, SFMike (San Francisco)
Sounds Like New, Marcus Maroney
The Penitent Wagnerite, Patrick J. Smith (Indiana)
twang twang twang, Helen Radice (Passau, Germany)
Iron Tongue of Midnight, Lisa Hirsch (San Francisco)
DesignerBlog, Will Fregosi (Boston)
I Am Sitting In A Room, Jason Hibbard (Cincinatti)
A Southern Gal in the North
High and Low Notes, Rich Russell (Sarasota)
Adventures in Opera Singing, Campbell Vertesi
The Concert, Anne-Carolyn Bird
Jessica Duchen's Classical Music Blog, Jessica Duchen (London, England)
oboeinsight, Patricia Emerson Mitchell (San Jose, CA)
Operatically Inclined, Clayton G. Koonce (Columbia, MD)
The Reverberate Hills, Patrick Vaz
Kinderkuchen for the FBI, Dr. B
Mostly Opera (Copenhagen)
Adaptistration, Drew McManus
Pecheurs de perles (Lyon, France)
Parsifal's (Greece?)
No guru, no method, no teacher (in Italian)
Operalogg, Mogens Andersson (Malmö, Sweden)
Theatrum Psichotechnicum (in Spanish)
Il Grand Inquisitor (in Dutch)
Opera e Demais Interesses (in Portuguese)
De Opera e de Lagartos (in Portuguese)