Rodelinda's Baby
It's really a septet
Some of the buzz surrounding the six singers of this rich as fried cheese on butter Met Rodelinda should also extend to adorable Zachary Vail Elkind, the delightful 10-year-old boy playing Rodelinda and Bertarido's son Flavio, which while a non-singing part is all over the production, and is fittingly listed on the program alongside the stars. His character is a true mama's boy; whenever La Fleming is on stage, there is little Flavio at her tail (save for the last scene of Act II, which ends with mama's "private" duet with papa the King). But he does more than tag along, of course. At one point, in what Fleming claims is a truly "realistic" scene, he survives a disturbing firing squad. He does it all with an abundance of grace and endearing stage-presence.
And look, he also poses for pictures at the stage door:Oh what a lovable smile! Moreover, he bears the requisite poise to endure signing programs for Lois & Co..
Here's a scan of one of the cabal's programs (look for it on eBay soon). Notice how little Zachary signs his name at the appropriate spot--isn't he just adorable.