19 January 2009

Met website now a better tool for the obsessed

If you're like Sieglinde, you're absolutely obsessed about where to sit at the Met. Good news! The Met has upgraded their online ticketing service. Online buyers now have the opportunity to purchase tickets for the exact seats of their choice. Instead of giving you "best available" seating (sez who, I say), you'll now be presented with a chart of the section your salary can afford, along with an up-to-date map of available seats. (For instance, pictured above is the map of the balcony and balcony boxes for next week's Orfeo.)

Click on a performance and give it a spin. The system hasn't been stable lately, as they're probably ironing out minor technical glitches. But isn't this exciting?? Yet another website to stalk every single day! (Meanwhile, Sieglinde suggests the next upgrade should be a more detailed map indicating the location of candy-unwrappers and retirees who only occasionally bathe.)